Install Firmware
Recommended LiBCM state when installing firmware:
-If pack is in car, key in 'OFF' position (firmware will not load if key is 'ON'), and;
-IMA switch in 'ON' position, and;
-Charger unplugged.
Watch this video if:
-This is your first time installing the LiBCM firmware, or;
-You're having trouble installing the LiBCM firmware
Update: The file path change I mentioned "would eventually happen" in the above video is now implemented.
old file path: /Honda_Insight_LiBCM/Firmware/MVP/MVP.ino
new file path: /Honda_Insight_LiBCM/Firmware/firmwareLiBCM/firmwareLiBCM.ino
Websites referenced in this video:
LiBCM Firmware Download ('main' branch):
LiBCM Firmware Download ('Prerelease' branch):
Better Text Editor (Mac):
Better Text Editor (Windows):
Arduino Download:
Watch this video if:
-You've already installed the Arduino IDE, and;
-You're generally familiar with the LiBCM firmware update process.
Update: The file path mentioned in the above video has changed:
old file path: /Honda_Insight_LiBCM/Firmware/MVP/MVP.ino
new file path: /Honda_Insight_LiBCM/Firmware/firmwareLiBCM/firmwareLiBCM.ino
Time to update your firmware?
Download the most current firmware for your configuration from the appropriate GitHUB page based on your configuration.
Choose Main or Prerelease site, then click on 'CODE' button, then Download ZIPExtract the files from the downloaded ZIP file
Modify the parameters of the code, open the "/Firmware/MVP/config.h" file in your text-only editor, then make your changes. At a minimimum, you will select your Hardware configurations (you should likely write down these for easy access when updating later).Navigate to the "/Firmware/MVP/MVP.ino" file and double click on it, launching the Arduino compiler/uploader software.
Ensure board is set to the MEGA 2560 (Tools->Board)
Ensure your communications are configured (Tools->Port) for your USB, it will list the Mega board, otherwise troubleshoot until it does.Click the right arrow button/icon -> for upload.
Wait for the completed message, then it's save to close Arduino and disconnect the USB.